Azolla Production cum Demo unit
Sl.No. | Description of Unit | Details |
1 | Year of Establishment | 2001 |
2 | Size of the unit | 3 X 10 feet-2Nos (60 Sqft) |
3 | Capacity of production (kg) | 50 kg/month |
4 | No. of farmers trained | 2920 |
Azolla Production cum Demo Unit
Azolla is a water based crop and one should ensure at least 5 inches of water in pond for proper growth.
Azolla will be ready for harvest by 2-3 weeks.
Azolla prefers shade and requires light (30-50% light required for its growth) for photosynthesis.
Azolla grows well where the ideal temperature range is 20-35°C.
It requires a water pH value of 5 to 7 and relative humidity of 80-90%